'What makes you smile everyday? ',
question that i heard everytime i passed by,
i smile when i see the sky and the moon,
i smile when it's raining,
i smile even when i'm under hot sun.
'why? ', same question again,
i smile when i'm tired,
i smile when i'm depressed,
i smile even if i'm sad.
'why', and again,
i smile when i see kids playing,
i smile when i see couples holding hands,
i smile when i see people laughing happily,
'why did you smile everyday? ',
this time i give the answer,
i smile because i'm glad of what God have give us,
i smile because i don't want to feel down,
i smile because i love the fact that human lives better if there is someone to love and be loved,
i quickly smile at everything, for fear of having to cry because
i want to live my life to the fullestand not having regrets in futurefor the beautiful things
i've missed in
I have decided that after all I’ve been through it is my time to be happy because I’ve been lied to, cheated on and I’ve been treated like dirt by someone that in the end does not deserve to look into my eyes. I proudly wear my scars on the surface of my hart, scars that were bleeding some time ago and now they are healed. My face has added another furrow line that has become an usually part of it because the time of suffering has left marks not only in my soul but on my apparence too.
It is true that I don’t wish even to my worst enemy to go through the period of feelings that are unshared, harts are broken, tears are false, another one cames along and takes the place that you believe to be for ever yours…it is such thing as for ever. As time goes by you realize after you see what I’ve written above, that a period of your life has been meaningless, the person that you thought that is to be with you becames something more than a bug that deserves to be crushed because she lied to everyone, she lied to her parents so that she can be the “good guy” in a relationship that you tried from all your heart to make it work but in the end it is not enough.
You maybe then regret that life is not fair…but really…wake up…you should know this by now, it should never came as a surprise for you, I know that sometime along the way you forgot about what I’m talking about but don’t worry…the heartache that you feel that is braking your soul to pieces will remind you never to trust people again…
So the time passes by and more and more you feel healed by the pain although the signs that you have suffered remain on your hart and your face so that you will be reminded the next time to never make the same mistake twice.
In the end, when the healing process is complete you feel ready to get back in life again, you meet an angel, a person just like you that has suffered for many years and now just like you she deserves to be happy so with shy small steps you try to live day by day and you see that all you bad thoughts can be forgotten because all your fears were insubstantial placed. so now I know what it means to love and to be loved truly...
I love my little kitty, my angel from the sky....my angelcat...