joi, 28 ianuarie 2010


My last post was comment on by an anonymous reader... Whay anonymous?... I don't know why some people are hideing behind this word. I'm not intrested to know who are they but at least have the nerve to say your name when you express an opinion about something that you haven't created. It is simple what I'm asking...please, assume what you are writing, your opinion. I think it is the right thing to do.
I disagree with this type of writing an opinion. About your question... the answer is not so simple...there was a time when the answer was verry simple because i felt loved and in love... but when you see yourself put down by the person moust important in your is not so easy to use the "l" word is not about fear or maybe sometimes is... but in the moust cases it is about your soul that is not easy convinced to feel something new... So after that all the love you felt becames hate, the kind of hate that destroys everything in its path, the kind of hate that eats your heart from inside out... It is the release that you feel after hate that makes you stop and wonder if you are able to feel at least one half of all that feelings that a while ago were playing with your mind and soul. Relaxed, full of hope and a little scared you try to meet new people that interact totaly different from what you are expecting and then you wonder..."Is it something wrong with me or the whole world has changed?"... You try and accept every person as it is and try to take every day as it comes because the plans that were build inside your head ... are in ruins now...
I do not know if I can answer the question that the anonymous reader has asked takes time to feel something new, that even if you have beside you a wonderful persson... time to think about what was made wrong, time to find out how much of you is still intact, time to analyze every oportunity to evolve into a new being... so the next time it happens you will be ready... so that you woun't lose any night sleep over it... and belive me... I know it very very very very well....the night is too long when you are not sleeping...
So I prefer not to answer your anonymous question...The answer is for me to know and for the person that is beside me to find out...when?... I do not know yet...
Dj Ryno ft. can do a lot of good.....

duminică, 24 ianuarie 2010

So...thank you

I was listening to the radio when I heard a song that for surely it is or it will be the favourite one for many couples... As always it is about a love song... Sometimes I wonder...if there is not love...about what the f___ am I supose to write. Sometimes it seems that this is the only subject worth writing about, when all you see around is indifference...there is nothing to stop me to write about what I feel, I tresure the moust....
So ...enjoy INNA...

marți, 12 ianuarie 2010

Din nou... Eu

Bine v-am regasit... Dupa cum s-a putut observa in decembrie am hotarat sa imi iau vacanta atat de la serviciu cat si din lumea blogerilor... si sincer spun ca mi-a prins foarte bine, am reusit sa ma odihnesc si sa imi mai revin dupa oboseala acumulata de peste an.
Am reusit, impreuna cu prietenii mei, sa mergem intr-un weekend mai prelungit la munte, care ai acesta a facut bine. Acum revin cu forte proaspete da oarecum in pana de idei....dar cine stie?... poate nu va dura asa mult pana asta de idei.
In decembrie 2009:
- am realizat ca a mai trecut un an din viata, ca sunt mai in varsta cu un an;
- ca asa cum se spune sau cum spune titlul unei carti ca "Dragostea dureaza trei ani..." si suferinta dureaza pe masura;
- este foarte adevarata zicala "ochii care nu se vad se uita...";
- se poate si mai rau decat imi este, nu din toate punctele de vedere;
- ma bucur ca am reusit sa trec cu bine si peste anul acesta....
De la 2010 imi doresc:
- sa reusesc sa imi pot pune in aplicare planurile sau daca nu toate macar cea mai mare parte...;
- sa pot face in asa fel incat invidia, ura si chiar curiozitatea unor persoane sa nu ma mai "atinga";
- desi se spune ca e un an de criza, pe care o simt din plin, s reusim cu totii sa trecem peste neajunsuri;
- sa imi dea D-zeu puterea sa nu ii judec prea aspru pe cei din jurul meu....chiar daca unii uneori o merita....
Nu pot sa spun ca asta e tot ce am facut in 2009 si acestea sunt tot ce imi doresc de la 2010 de aceea am lasat si punctele de suspensie, pot sa spun doar ca nu sunt in pana de idei si voi scrie in continuare pe blog si ca va doresc tuturor cititorilor acestei "bucatele de suflet" ... multa sanatate si spor la bani...
In incheiere.... Directia 5 .....enjoy....:)

See you

In viitorul apropiat voi avea timp sa ma apuc din nou de pasiunea mea mai veche....pasiune pe care am cam nelijat-o in ultimul timp. Dar pan...