joi, 12 noiembrie 2009


Azi am incercat si am reusit, bineinteles, sa fac ordine intre hartiile ce imi acopereau tot rasfoin foi inutile am dat peste cateva randuri care au ceva vreme de cand le-am scris....sincer sa fiu nu mai stiu de unde, recunosc inca hartia cu o data de fax de anul trecut de prin noiembrie spre sfarsit....
Nobody knows it's empty
The smile that I wear,
The real I is left in the past
Because you have left me there.
Nobody knows I'm crying
They wont even see my tears,
When they think that I'm laughing
I still wish you were there.
Nobody knows that it is painful
They think that I'm strong,
They say that this won't kill me
But I wonder....if they were wrong...
Nobody knows I'm praying
That you will change your mind,
They think that I let you go
When you left me behind.
Nobody knows I miss you
They think I feel set free,
But I feel like I'm bound with chains
Trapped in the mystery.
Nobody knows I need you
They say I can do it on my own,
But they don't know I'm crying
When I'm all alone..."
Imi aduc aminte ca am copiat primele trei strofe, cele de la inceput de pe un site cu felicitari sau ceva de genul asta iar pe restul le-am adugat eu... Mi-a placut foarte mult la vremea aceea....aveam si de ce.... inca imi mai place si chiar daca suna asa trist unele chestii s-au mai estompat, altele au mai disparut... la fel ca praful in vant....

Niciun comentariu:

See you

In viitorul apropiat voi avea timp sa ma apuc din nou de pasiunea mea mai veche....pasiune pe care am cam nelijat-o in ultimul timp. Dar pan...